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Keep Bugs, Dust, Heat, and Allergens Out of Your Home with An Attic Stairway Insulator
The Draft Master Attic Stairway Insulator will Help Keep Your Houston Home Cleaner, More Comfortable, and Achieve Better Attic Efficient

The attic access door is, typically, one of the largest sources of air leakage in your house.  The United States Department of Energy states on their website that a gap as small as 1/4 inch around pull down attic stairs can leak as much air as is supplied by a standard bedroom air duct. There goes attic efficiency!


Our stairway insulator will seal and insulate this vulnerable point in your home and also keep dust and allergens from the attic out of your living space.


The Draft Master installs in your attic opening so you don't have to move it each time you enter the attic and it offers a low no-trip opening for ease of use.


The Draft Master Attic Stairway Insulator offered by The Wise Attic is an easy solution to sealing this problem area.

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The Draft Master from The Wise Attic comes in many sizes to fit any drop down attic stairway opening.  This insulator is made of top quality radiant foil and is double stitched for durability. The easy open zipper makes it simple to enter and exit your attic without anything is the way.


The Draft Master attic stairway insulator also comes with a 10 year warranty and is made in the USA. What a great product to help you save energy and keep your home cleaner!

© 2019 by EZ Attic Solutions

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